. wheex -+

Friday, October 19, 2007

Meng zhu is cute

Sian la now until half of 60 only.
Half more to chiong.
Hope I can chiong until 40 by sunday.
Doubt can ba. SIANness.

So tired these few days.
Face the com too long.
Eyes pain.
If only zjyj vcds are out and they are nt tt ex.

haha anyway I just wanna say my clique of 0709 rawks totally :D
dunnoe why, jus feel it this way.

Opportunities don't come knocking twice.
But once you lose it, you lose it forever.
What if I made a mistake of not taking?
What if I take and I can't handle the stress and all the shit that is happening at the same time?
What if I screw everything up?
What if I went bonkers and go mental hospital?

die la I'm dying tot alk to lsw!
I dunnoe why I just want to talk to her ! :(


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