. wheex -+

Friday, October 26, 2007

Since today is supposedly the "last day of school".
Hahs. It's okay even though we have to go back for few hrs of lessons everyday.
But yeah, next wk is quite slack lah. After tues it's freedom from PW.
Hope 0709 still have the outing. LOL! I sincerely hope have. =)
Okay now, I would like to sum up my one yr in this school.

First 3 mths, well, nt v close to my class nor og. Cus i'm anti-social de ma. So still stick to my dearest zh frens. Everyday play murderer all those and talk abt zh life. HAHAHA! But somehow, after first 3 mths, start to miss the class, though we're definitely not bonded at all. It's just, like sand lah. Haha.
Then my current class.
I must admit that initially, i don't like it. Cus i felt left out, weird combi, ignored, and I feel like a gu du lao ren.
But after mingling with ZhiHui, Wanting, Alicia and Xinni, I must say that going to school isn't that boring anymore. And I must really thank that someone, cus i think because of her, our class become rather bonded. And my class is a rather funny and humourous class. Although we are quite mean at times lah :x But yeah, i still thank her for that. Hahs.
Not forgetting Muiteng, Yeeting, my fellow fickleminded scorpion, and Ziting.
Haha they are really the bunch for ppl who are there to support me and give me advices.
And we are friends for about 5 years liao!! :D HAHAHA!
I just want to thank all of them.
Otherwise, I think I would not be able to handle the stress of jc life.

Yeah I'm sooo nice lah HAHAHA cus i at night wait for my bro den we watch the last two epi(s) together. (:
I can't wait for zhong ji tie ke ren's coolness. :D



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