I'm so glad !! :)
Okay lah. Maybe not that glad. Cus..
The o levels aint good for me.
But what's done is done and i cannot do anything abt it.
So i should enjoy my one month plus instead of moaning over it.
Haha first thing first.
I MISS MY BLOG. I MISS EVERYTHING ONLINE! I'm like a sua gu now lah. Everything also dunnoe ! SIGH ! But nvm !

I love all of you ! I will not forget the few hours we spent at the staircase talking. I really feel that I understand you all more. I mean like after 4 years, I reli feel like an idiot. You know neglecting people beside me, taking them for granted. Until going leave le den yi yi bu she. Sorry these are words I wont say to you all face to face but I just want to let you all know that I really appreciate EVERYTHING that u all have did for me, tolerating my bad-temper and attitude, laughing with me, consoling me, talking to me, clearing my misunderstanding, making me happy.
Yea and I used to say: I hate this school, I hate whatever, whatever. Until recently, the last few days I'm gonna spent with my friends, I reli dun want school to end. I mean, even though studying sucks, but i tell you, I will definitely miss my place, the people around me, the crap, the times we spent opp. school, the lao bo who always sweep the floor outside the classroom, and even the ants in the class.
4 years, ended just liddat. Dunnoe whether to smile or to cry.

Remember the days when we celebrated ah chua's retirement. see the bottom right hand corner. hee siong wrote: play guzheng everyday. omg i see alrd i dunnoe whether to laugh or cry. I really really miss 2E304.

Remember this ? the banner for fun fair. I remembered we played the games and talk and laugh and everything. Run here run there, buy chicken wings, play the ping-pong ball roll down the ramp game.
i love 2E304. and 4E304, and everyone around me ! :D
Tmr is outing day.
Hope it would be fun.
And 10 more days to TW ! :)
JYCX still rocks ;)